en English

Your Touch Function Is Not AccurateIs, How To Do?


Regularly, all drivers will be installed well for Monitors or PCs, and all screens will be adjusted well during the manufacturing process for their touch function. Sometimes, there are still some coincidences. For example:

  1. Drivers for windows installed, but customers changed their minds and they want to try with Linux System for new projects.
  2. Drivers for windows with our PC samples, then they finally decided to use Raspberry PI 3 with Linux system.
  3. There are also android system, debian system

For touch functions, you might want to know the differences between capacitive touch & resistive touch.

Capacitive Touch, especially affects usability in consumer electronics.

Resistive Touch might need to make a new calibration in the touch software under the calibration point.

No Worries! It is easy to fix these issues.

Drivers Download Accordingly


Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows Embedded 8, Embedded 8.1 Industry, Embedded 8.1 Pro,
Embedded 8 Standard, Windows 7, Windows Embedded 7, Embedded Enterprise 7, Embedded Standard 7,
Embedded POSReady 7, Windows XP, Windows Embedded POSReady 2009, Windows 2000.

eGalaxTouch_5.14.0.19810 Release 200410 SingleTouchDev 1.zip USB/RS-232 2020.04.21

Suitable for Capacitive / Resistive / Surface Acoustic Wave / Infrared

Windows 2000    Windows XP    Windows Vista

eGalaxTouch_5.12.0.12204-Release131204-includePS2.zip PS2   2014.06.19

Windows XP Embedded

XPE_5.13.0.12628.zip 2014.05.20

XPE_5.13.0.12706-PCAP.zip 2014.05.20 For Projected Capacitive


Kernel: 3.x.x / 4.x.x / 5.x.x — 32 bits, 64 bits — ARM / MIPS, Multi-touch

Kernel: 2.6.36 or Later — 32 bits, 64 bits — ARM / MIPS, Multi-touch

Kernel: 2.6.24 ~ 2.6.35 — 32 bits, 64 bits — ARM / MIPS, —

Kernel: 2.6.23 ~ Older — 32 bits, 64 bits, —

Kernel: 2.4.x — 32 bits, —

Kernel 2.6.24 or Later and 3.x.x / 4.x.x / 5.x.x  :  USB  /  UART  /  PS2

eGTouch_v2.5.10206.L-x.zip  X86 ( 32 / 64 bits ) 2021.07.06

eGTouch_v2.5.10206.L-ma.zip ARM / MIPS 2021.07.06

Kernel 2.6.23 or Older  :  USB  /  UART  /  PS2

eGalaxTouch-3.07.6014-32b-k26.zip X86 32 bits ( Need X-window ) 2012.02.08

eGalaxTouch-3.07.6014-64b-k26.zip X86 64 bits ( Need X-window ) 2012.02.08

Kernel 2.4.X : USB / UART / PS2

eGalaxTouch-3.06.5605-32b-k24.zip X86 32 bits ( Need X-window ) 2011.08.10

Customization Touch Driver for SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 11 SP3

eGalaxTouch-3.13.10330-32b-k26.zip X86 32 bits 2015.09.30

eGalaxTouch-3.13.10330-64b-k26.zip X86 64 bits 2015.09.30


Android 6.0, Android 7.0, Android, 8.0, Android 9.0 …

CPU Architecture : X86 / ARM / MIPS

eGTouch_v2.5.10206.A-all.zip 2021.07.06

Android Version 2.3.x upwards: USB  /  UART


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