en English

What Does I/O Interface Mean?


For those in the field of non-electronic equipment, when they first touch the I/O interface, they must be a little confused? What does this I/O mean? Let me explain the I/O interface.

First of all, let’s take a look at the following cables?

Yes, they are the cables for the I/O interfaces!

So what is I/O? From a professional point of view, the l/O interface is the link between the host and the controlled object for information exchange. I is the abbreviation of “Input”, which is the input cable, such as power input, network input. O is the abbreviation of “Output”, which is the output cable, such as the display cable is connected to the display port, and the audio output for sounds.

The role of the I/O interface: The exchange of information between the host and the outside world is called input/output (I/O), which is carried out through input/output devices. General input/output equipment is a combination of mechanical or electromechanical products, such as conventional external keyboards, monitors, printers, scanners, disk drives, and mice. They are much slower than high-speed central processing units. In addition, the signal form and data format of different peripherals are also different.

Therefore, external devices cannot be directly connected to the CPU. To complete the speed matching, signal conversion between them, and complete certain control functions, it is necessary to pass the corresponding circuit. Usually, a buffer circuit between the host and the external device is called the I/O interface circuit, or I/O interface (Input/Output Interface) for short.


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