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Industrial Panel PC for 3D Printing Machine


A 3D printer, also known as a three-dimensional printer (3DP), is a kind of cumulative manufacturing technology, a rapid prototyping technology. It is based on a digital model file and can be bonded with special wax materials, powdered metals, or plastics. By printing layers of adhesive materials, it creates three-dimensional objects. At this stage, 3D printers are used to manufacture products, constructing objects by printing layer by layer. The principle is to put data and raw materials into the 3D printer, and the machine will build the product layer by layer according to the procedure.

3D printing has brought about a worldwide manufacturing revolution. In the past, the component design was completely dependent on whether the production process can be realized. The emergence of 3D printers will subvert this production idea, which makes companies no longer consider production. Any complex shape design can be realized by a 3D printer.

3D printing does not require machining or molds, and can directly generate objects of any shape from computer graphics data, thereby greatly shortening the production cycle and improving productivity. Although it still needs to be improved, the market potential is huge, and it is bound to become one of the many breakthrough technologies in the future manufacturing industry.

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